Introduction to our fuculty
In 1954, in response to the need for more physicians to serve rural areas, particularly in the north of Thailand, the University of Medical Science proposed to the Ministry of Public Health that another medical school, which would be the third in Thailand, be established. To facilitate the development of the new faculty the administration of Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital was transferred from the Ministry of Public Health to the University of Medical Science in 1959. 65 students were accepted for admission to the new medical school in 1958.
The University of Illinois greatly assisted in the establishment of the faculty by providing 35 of its staff to teach here during the period 1962 to 1970. It also gave scholarships for Thai instructors to train in the United States and then to return to teach in Chiang Mai.
When Chiang Mai University was established the School of Medicine, Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, University of Medical Science became the Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University. This change became formal on March 16, 1965. Since then the Faculty has grown continuously. It has fully achieved its original mandate and is now the largest medical school in northern Thailand and operates the largest and most comprehensive hospital in this region.