Many issues in connection to green computing are to be addressed in the coming days. Therefore, there must be proper
initiatives from all the stakeholders, as desired, shall surely enable the country to deal with the short term and long term
pollution hazards with effective implementation, sustained monitoring and better supervisory practices. However, some
apparently remaining unaddressed or less addressed issues require further consideration of the authorities towards devising the
ways and means to ensure formulation of related strategic plans and subsequent necessary field level initiatives. The most
important point is to find the first order priority is to identify informal sectors contributing for 95% of e-waste collection and
recycling. Moreover, there is a need to create a system for absorbing the strong workforce of informal sector into the proposed
scheme for scientific recycling. Quite a number of daily wage workers are involved in crude dismantling of these electronic
items for their livelihood and their health is at risk, therefore, there is an urgent need to plan a preventive strategy among these
workers. In school level and after school level education there must be a compulsory subject on “green computing”. The leaders
of all industries must take proper initiatives to minimize generation of carbon dioxide, poisonous material and minimum use of
power. The authors also propose that skill enhancement of workers through training facilities and focus on their occupational
health must be ensured. The Pollution Control Boards should take proper initiatives for strengthening of their resources, powers
and plans for implementing green environment.
Many issues in connection to green computing are to be addressed in the coming days. Therefore, there must be properinitiatives from all the stakeholders, as desired, shall surely enable the country to deal with the short term and long termpollution hazards with effective implementation, sustained monitoring and better supervisory practices. However, someapparently remaining unaddressed or less addressed issues require further consideration of the authorities towards devising theways and means to ensure formulation of related strategic plans and subsequent necessary field level initiatives. The mostimportant point is to find the first order priority is to identify informal sectors contributing for 95% of e-waste collection andrecycling. Moreover, there is a need to create a system for absorbing the strong workforce of informal sector into the proposedscheme for scientific recycling. Quite a number of daily wage workers are involved in crude dismantling of these electronicitems for their livelihood and their health is at risk, therefore, there is an urgent need to plan a preventive strategy among theseworkers. In school level and after school level education there must be a compulsory subject on “green computing”. The leadersof all industries must take proper initiatives to minimize generation of carbon dioxide, poisonous material and minimum use ofpower. The authors also propose that skill enhancement of workers through training facilities and focus on their occupationalต้องมั่นใจในสุขภาพ บอร์ดควบคุมมลพิษควรใช้โครงการที่เหมาะสมสำหรับการเสริมสร้างทรัพยากรของพวกเขา อำนาจและแผนสำหรับการดำเนินการสภาพแวดล้อมสีเขียว
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..