Chapter 1089: Who’s Fighting and Who’s Watching?
Meng Hao was in the middle of it all, fighting fiercely whoever he encountered.
The viciousness on display caused Jian Daozi and the others to go cold with fright. Jian Daozi himself gasped and stared at Meng Hao with renewed fear and awe.
Because of a unique reason, Jian Daozi had lived for a very long time, and seen many Immortals. Although his cultivation base was not very high, he was intelligent and discerning, and could tell that Meng Hao possessed strength that the other Immortals simply did not.
“He must be in the Immortal World’s feared… Echelon!” he thought, his eyes widening.
Blood flowed off of the altar in bright red rivulets, even streams, which spread out into the desert sands. The reek of blood spread out, filling the air, even covering some of the magical symbols on the altar, causing them to cast bizarre light into the air.
Fewer and fewer people could be seen on the altar. Originally, there had been more than twenty, but now, there were only eleven!
Fan Dong’er and Bei Yu were still there, but the other cultivators who had originally joined them had all been replaced, with the exception of the burly body cultivator, who managed to cunningly avoid all attacks levied against him.
Fan Dong’er was no longer flanked by three people, but two. They were both young, their faces pale white, with blood seeping out of the corners of their mouths. Pools of blood could be seen beneath their feet.
Originally, Bei Yu had been accompanied by two other Demonic cultivators. Now, there were five. Two were old women, plus three other Demonic cultivators. Those who had brought them here had been killed by other cultivators, and these were the ones who had managed to hold out until the very end.
However, thunder still boomed, and as for the number of people present… there were still two too many!
Among the eleven people present, eight had red sealing marks on the backs of their hands. Those who didn’t included one ordinary cultivator and two Demonic cultivators. All of them had ashen faces, and absolutely no sealing marks!
Those sealing marks were like a seal of life, a mark of approval from the Windswept Realm. Anyone who had that sealing mark would not be wiped away by the Heavenly thunder.
Blood flowed across the altar as everyone stood there silently, staring at Meng Hao. Fear could be seen deep in their eyes; in the battle just now, more than half of the people slain had been killed by him.
Down below the altar, Jian Daozi and the others were shocked to the core. The image of Meng Hao slaughtering his enemies was burned deep in their hearts, leaving an indelible impression.
After a few short breaths of time, fighting broke out once again; virtually everyone attacked at the same time, trying to wipe out the three cultivators with no marks on their hands.
Those three knew that if they couldn’t get one of the sealing marks, they would be wiped out by the thunder, completely eradicated!
Thunder boomed, and blood sprayed out of the three cultivators’ mouths. There was no need to mention the severe internal injuries they had sustained; they were growing so weak that it seemed any of the subsequent thunderclaps could wipe them out. They began to go mad, roaring, burning life force, exploding with all the power they could muster.
It was with utter madness that they attacked the fellow sect members who they thought they could defeat!
Booms echoed out as the fierce fighting raged. The cultivators of the Windswept Realm continued to keep their heads bowed, not daring to even peep at what was happening, although Jian Daozi and his group looked on.
Meng Hao waved his hand, and the Essence of Divine Flame erupted out. He pushed his hand down onto the shoulder of one of the Demonic cultivators with no sealing mark, and instantly, the man was consumed by Divine Flame. A miserable shriek could be heard as Meng Hao pulled his hand back, and the Demonic cultivator transformed into nothing but ash.
Simultaneously, the other two with no sealing marks were killed, reducing the number of people on the altar… to only eight!
In addition to Meng Hao, there were two ordinary cultivators and five Demonic cultivators, all of whom had marks on their hands!
All of them breathed sighs of relief.
“It’s finally over….”
“I can’t believe the natural laws in the Windswept Realm have changed….”
Even Jian Daozi and the others below the altar assumed that everything was over. However… thunder continued to boom! Everyone’s faces fell, but no one coughed up blood. However, the fact that the thunder had not ceased indicated only one thing.
There was still someone without a sealing mark! Furthermore, that person was not present on the altar itself!
“Impossible! We’re obviously the only ones left! Why is there still Heavenly thunder!?!?”
“Someone must still be hiding people in their bag of holding!!” Everyone began