Behavioural data
Throughout the 90 minute recording session, behavioural data was recorded sequentially at 2.5 minute intervals (37 observations per ses- sion) using a scan sampling technique. Dogs were observed from the staff corridor outside the kennel block by the researcher. Three aspects of behaviour were recorded at each interval; position (three categories: lying, sitting, standing); location (two categories: inside, outside) and vocalisation (three categories: silent, whining, barking). At each interval the presence of staff, volunteers, visitors and other dogs was noted. The percentage of time observed performing each behavioural activity was calculated by dividing the number of observations during which that subject was performing each activity, by the total number of observations for that subject. Behavioural data was adjusted to allow for observations where the dog was recorded as out of sight i.e., in vet-clinic or out for a viewing.