Evaluation of the Theory that the state is divinely created does not find any place in the present political thought The state is essentially a human
Institution and it comes into existence when a number of people occupying a definite territory organize themselves politically for achieving common ends The laws of the state are made by men and enfcrced by them The state
Therefore originated in the bare needs of the life of man and continues in
Existence for the satisfaction of those needs and aspirations for a good life To
Accept it as the creation of god is to defy nature itself and to exalt the state to a position above criticism and changc The Diving origin theory is dangerous
As it justifies the arbitrary exercise of royal authority by holding that authority has a religious sanction and origin and kings are the vicars of God when the ruler is made responsible for his actions to god alone and law is held to reside ultimately in the breast of the king it is tantamount to preaching absolutism and making the king a despot even if it be conceded that the king is the ice-regent or deputy of god then how can the existence of a had king be justified ? history abounds in examples of bad and vicious kings god
Personifies virtue grace and benevolence and so should be his deputy It is,
Accordingly bad logic to accept the dogma of James I that kings are breathing images of god upon earth Even in the scriptures the theory does