The 1.6+ installers use the new minecraft launcher. If you have not used the new launcher yet, make sure to run the installer at least once. Log into minecraft and load the latest version/release. Then run installer and install the mod.
If you already have a modded profile/version, you can have the installer install it to that version. If you leave it set to “(Default)” then the installer will keep the default structure for installs and will only create a modded profile if one is not present. See “Default Mod Profile” below for the version of minecraft where this mod will install.
The installers will install all mods that use the same profile into the same mods folder/jar.
The installer only needs one default version of minecraft in the versions folder to install a mod.
If Forge/ModLoader is not present then installer by default will add a version of Forge/ModLoader this mod is compatible with.