Flash differential scanning calorimetry has been used to determine the glass transition response of the
rapidly crystallizing energetic material, TNT. After heating at 600K/s, it was found that for cooling rates
from 1000K/s to 10K/s the glass transition changes from 247.5K to 239.3K. The dynamic fragility index
was determined to be m = 62 ± 6 and the activation energy determined from the range of cooling rates in
which vitrification occurred was found to be 290 ± 16 kJ/mol. Crystallization was found to occur during
cooling at rates below 0.3K/s, whereas cold crystallization was found on subsequent heating after cooling
between 10K/s and 30K/s. At cooling rates of 100K/s and above, and for the same heating rate of 600K/s
investigated,the glass transition event was observed, but cold crystallization during heating did not occur.
Hence, the crystallization behavior of the fully amorphous TNT upon heating depends on the cooling rate
and vitrification path.