It really depends dude. If I make 60k a year, and a woman who's beautiful makes 80k a year. Lets assume you love each other, It's a financial gain if you 2 get married. However, the downside is that if she divorces you, then she will take most of your assets and leave you with a lot of debt....
It's a BIG gamble. I honostly wouldn't get married. The consequences supercede the positives
again, when it comes to f***ing other chicks on the side, it's really not that hard to keep it a secret. I currently have a girlfriend and I f**k girls on the side, although it's not morally correct, a man has his needs.
i'm sure everyone has a different opinion on this
I believe that marriage is neither will be good or bad, but that it is someone's choice whether to get married or not. There is nothing wrong with living a promiscuous lifestyle if it is what you really want to do. Everybody want to meet someone that will truly love and to spend my life with.