Rain capital" is a technology that his Majesty the Explorer shape det balance chart, invented and confer, as air variable bending technology, born from the rain clouds and clouds of warm (Warm cloud) (Cole Cloud) with the scientific process with the intention of human action, which is to place the Department.Roptibat the hope that certainly make it rain by using a moisture absorbent (Hygroscopic Substance), both in the atmosphere or clouds at temperatures higher or lower than the freezing point as stimuli excite or process rain occurs faster and more quantity. Since the steps to the cloud (Cloud formation) occurs, the growth of the cloud (Cloud growth) and precipitation (Rain initiation) to extend the rain (Rain Prolonging duration). There are rainy days or more frequency. Increase precipitation (Rain enhancement), uneven distribution of rain (Rain redistribution) and induced rain fall to the designated target area and radiated precisely as wide area than would occur naturally.