In Fetterman’s model, specific methods vary, but the basic model involves taking stock,
setting goals, developing strategies towards goals, and documenting progress. Stakeholders
play the primary role in designing and implementing each step, with the evaluator’s guidance.
My approach is similar, but the basic model involves introduction prior to the other four
steps. More saliently, in my model the stakeholders and evaluator can varying in the level
of involvement in designing and implementing each step. Like Fetterman’s approach, the
evaluator can take on a facilitator or “coach” role, or like the participatory approach, the
evaluator can be involved more directly (Cousins & Whitmore, 1998). The level of evaluator
involvement in each step should be influenced by the needs and available time and resources of
the evaluand and its stakeholders. These needs and resources may change over time, as may the
evaluator’s level of involvement. However, the evaluator should not become overly involved
in strategic development step, as this co-optation can impede the autonomy the stakeholders
in the long run. This would be counter both to empowerment and to evaluation.