The German Law Archive publishes cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English language.
After a period in which we had allowed both content and design to collect dust, we are pleased to welcome our users to our new design, launched on 6 August 2015. We hope you will find it more user friendly. We will now work on an update of content. Feedback to the editors (see below) is welcome!
The German Law Archive became the first law website at the University of Oxford when it went on-line in December 1997 and was publicised in March 1998. It was officially inaugurated in a ceremony at Gray’s Inn Great Hall, London, on 4 November 1998, by the German Ambassador in London, HE Gebhardt von Moltke. In February 1999, the German Law Archive moved from the University of Oxford network to its own domain,, which also hosts the Oxford University Comparative Law Forum. and the website of the CFR Context Group which completed its work in 2013.
The German Law Archive is maintained by Gerhard Dannemann (founding editor) and Christoph König (assistant editor).