Table 2 (part a) presents the results we interpreted by analysing what technologies are
currently being deployed in Europe and their likely impact on ICT adoption barriers. It uses
data presented in Appendix A. Binary encoding is applied if a particular project uses that
technology. It is important to point out that the time span of all projects is between 1996 and
2015. As can be seen from the table, only two EU projects explore the use of cloud computing
where three projects deploy Web 3.0 and social network. For example, iCargo (iCargo 2011)
deploys the latest ICT innovation where cloud computing, semantic web and the Internet of
Things are used to support the Intelligent Cargo concept for sustainable global logistics
operations where goods are self-context and location aware and connected to a range of
services. Wireless/Mobile technologies and the Internet of Things are used by 23 projects due
their recent rapid developments and the level of maturity of the technologies. Other projects
tend to focus on traditional technological applications or address a specific issue such as
security or data standardisation.