john,'called Roger.'why are all the noises moving round?'
'the Goblin's turning round and round in the tide,'came the answer.'because we're drifting.'
'she's going up and down quite a lot,'said Roger.
'yes,'replied Titty.she had noticed that,too.she also knew that she felt different.the bigger waves of the sea made the Goblin move much more than in the calm water in the harbouy.she couldn't see so well,and her head felt rather strange.
susan came back to the cockpit,holding on carefully to the wood on top of the cabin.she,too,had noticed how the movement had changed. John had gone into the cabin to look at the chart.He put it on the table.
'that's where we were anchored,'he said,pointing with a finger.'And there's the Beach End buoy.we must be drifting towards the lightship.'He remembered what Jim had said about shoals.'Get out to sea and stay there.'that was what Jim had said.he wished desperately that Jim was aboard.where was the safe way through the shoals?what had Jim said?Was it by the Cork lightship?it must be here,and John put his finger on what looked like a wide,clear road leading out,between the shoals,to deep water.
just at that moment a lot of noises came together.there was the 'Beu...eueueu' of the lightship,a sudden loud noise from the Goblin's own foghorn that Roger had found in the cockpit,and then a shout from Titty.
'there's another buoy!'