The AICPA' s Auditing Standards Board recently issued Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS) 118-120 to provide auditors with guidance related to additional information that is included in a document containing audited financial statements. These standards clarify -- and in some cases change -- auditors' responsibilities for information in documents such as annual reports to shareholders for non-public companies. SASs 118-120 include guidance for three situations: 1. Other information (other than required supplementary information) included with the financial statements (SAS 118). 2. Required supplementary information included with the financial statements (SAS 120). 3. Supplementary information derived from, directly related to, and included with the financial statements (SAS 119). An understanding of SASs 118 and 120 helps one better understand the guidance provided in SAS 119. SASs 118, 119, and 120 are effective for audits of private company financial statements beginning on or after Dec 15, 2010. The three new standards clarify auditors' procedural and reporting responsibilities for other information included with the financial statements.