To gain some insight into how this deconstructive assembly was derived a critical and aesthetic investigation at how Tschumi conceived of the Parc
is essential. By looking at some of design submissions pre-construction and seeing how they changed and were altered and comparing them to
the nal construction of the Parc, we are allowed a glimpse into the process of Tschumi’s deconstructed plan.
When comparing Tschumi’s design submission for the Parc de la Villette from the rst round (1982), second round (1983) the developed
plan (1986), and the nal version executed (1991) we can see how Tschumi developed a technique and a system for designing the park to
allow for the scenarios discussed above. There is a conscious eort and methodology with how Tschumi has arranged and altered his
design. By eliminating one area and focussing on another, Tschumi was able to create the perfect balance between minimal deconstruction
and a loss of cohesion