Clinical Interventions in Aging
open access to scientific and medical research
The efficacy of traditional Thai massage
in decreasing spasticity in elderly stroke patients
This article was published in the following
Dove Press journal:
Clinical Interventions in Aging
I I August 2014
times this article has been viewed
Than itta Thanakiatpinyo'
To study the efficacy of traditional Thai massage
versus conventional physical
Supakij Suwannatrai2
therapy (PT) programs in treating muscle spasticity, functional ability, anxiety, depression, and
Ueamphon Suwannatrai2
quality of life (QoL) in Thai stroke patients.
Phanitanong Khumkaew2
Methods: This randomized controlled trial with a blinded assessor was carried out at the
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Siriraj Hospital (Bangkok, Thailand). The study
Dokmai Wiwattamongkol
included 50 stroke (onset
months) outpatients experiencing spasticity at the elbow or knee
Man mas Vannabhum2
muscles at a grade of
on the modified Ashworth Scale who were
years old and able
Somluck Pianmanakit'
to communicate. The subjects were randomly allocated to the treatment group receiving TTM
Vilai Kuptniratsaikull
(24 subjects) or the control group receiving the PT program (26 subjects). Both groups received
'Department of Rehabilitation
treatment (either TTM or PT) twice a week for 6 weeks. Spasticity grade, functional ability,
2Center of Applied Thai
anxiety, depression, and QoL were measured at Week 0 and Week 6.
Traditional Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
At Week 6, the percentage of patients whose modified Ashworth Scale score had
University, Bangkok, Thailand
decreased by at least one grade was not statistically significant between the two groups. Both
TTM and PT groups experienced a significant increase in functional ability and QoL, but no
difference was found between the groups. Anxiety and depression scores showed a decreasing
trend in the TTM group.
This preliminary report showed no evidence that TTM differed from the PT
program in decreasing spasticity. However, both interventions may relieve spasticity, increase
functional ability, and improve QoL after 6 weeks. Only TTM can decrease anxiety and depres-
sion scores. Further studies with adequate sample size are necessary.
Keywords: stroke, massage, spasticity, anxiety, depression
Worldwide, stroke is one of the common ailments among the elderly. It is the third-
ranking cause of death, and therefore affects the health care system in Thailand.' One
of the common consequences of stroke is spasticity. It is defined as a motor disorder
that is characterized by a velocity -dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes (muscle
tone) with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from hyperexcitability of the stretch
reflexes.' The prevalence of post -stroke spasticity has ranged from 19%' to 39%
4 of
stroke patients at 3 months and 12 months after experiencing stroke, respectively. In
Thailand, the prevalence of post -stroke spasticity during rehabilitation was 41.6%.
However, recent studies reported that the increased resistance of muscles with spas-
Correspondence: Vilai Kuptniratsaikul
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
ticity to passive movement is due not only to hyperexcitability reflexes, but also to
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
altered properties of the muscle tissue.
Spasticity can cause pain, abnormal posture,
Mahidol University, 2 Prannok Road,
Bangkok 10700, Thailand
and joint contracture. It may interfere with functional recovery and the ability to
Tel +66 2 419 7311
perform daily activities, resulting in decreasing quality of life (QoL) and increasing
Fax +66 2 411 4813
caregiver burden.
submit your manuscript
Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9
© 5014 lhanakiatpinyo et at This work is published by Dore Medical Pins Limited. and licensed under Cleanly Commons Attribution — Don Commeicial (mputed, r3.0) I 0.2 I 4 7/C I A.S6 64 I 6
License. Iht full terms oldie License are arulabSe at Non.commercial uses of the woth are pemitted without any luither
permission horn Dm Medial Press Limited. prcoided the work is property attributed. Permissions bemod the scope of the license are administered by Dore Medical Press (hunted. Infotmation on
to request permsi sion may be found at
Thanakiatpinyo et al
Currently, many methods for decreasing spasticity are
to compare the effects of TTM and conventional physical
available, including pharmacological and nonpharmacologi-
therapy (PT) on spasticity, functional ability, anxiety, depres-
cal treatments. The pharmacological therapies, such as oral
sion, and QoL in stroke patients.
anti -spastic drugs," botulinum toxin injection,
9-" phenol
injections,94alcohol injection," and intrathecal baclofen,'4."
usually focus on reducing reflex hyperexcitability. Nonphar-
The current study was a randomized trial. The study pro-
macological treatments, which aim to inhibit neural activ-
tocol was conducted in accordance with the ethical prin-
ity, reduce muscle stiffness, and improve the surrounding
ciples stated in the most recent version of the Declaration
connective tissue, include heat modalities, cryotherapy,
of Helsinki. After the study protocol was approved by the
electrical stimulation, stretching, splinting, acupuncture,
Institutional Review Board of Siriraj Hospital, stroke patients
and massage.'
were recruited from the outpatient unit of the Department of
The mechanisms of massage on spasticity vary depending
Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
on technique. Goldberg et al found that petrissage massage
(Bangkok, Thailand) from August 2011 through July 2013.
above the lumbar area can reduce H -reflex amplitude in the
Chronic stroke (onset
months) patients with moderate-
calf muscles of people with traumatic spinal cord injury."
to -severe spasticity of the elbow or knee in at least one limb
This result reflects a reduction in motor neuron excitability.
(grade .
1+), as evaluated by the MAS, who were aged a
Deep massage can stretch the muscle that experiences spas-
years and able to communicate, were eligible to participate.
ticity and reset sarcomere lengths to a more optimal state.
Subjects who had contraindications for massage, eg, fever
It helps to break down subcutaneous adhesions and prevent
38°C or greater, uncontrolled blood pressure, bleeding
fibrosis," and may lead to improved sensory feedback from
tendencies, taking anticoagulant drugs, unhealed fractures,
muscle spindle receptors. Moreover, the repetitive cutaneous
contact dermatitis, skin infections, or severe osteoporosis,
stimulation provided by massage may reduce pain through
were excluded. Additionally, fixed joint contracture, a his-
the gate control theory."
tory of botulinum toxin injection within the last 6 months, a
There have been a few study reports related to massage
history of nerve block within the past year, severe dementia,
and spasticity. Unfortunately, these studies were reported
or uncontrolled psychological disorders were excluded. The
in local languages. Only one randomized control trial was
study would be terminated if severe adverse events occurred,
found, which reported the efficacy of rehabilitation exer-
including fractures or hematomas in the muscle or soft tissue
cise therapy in decreasing post -stroke hemiplegia limb
of the patients.
muscle spasticity compared with traditional Chinese massage
After providing consent, subjects were randomly assigned
therapy?' Their curative effects on patients were evaluated
to undergo TTM or the conventional PT program. A computer-
4 weeks after treatment using the modified Ashworth Scale
generated randomization number was used, and the allo-
(MAS) and limb motor function integration scale, and by
cation codes were kept in opaque envelopes. An external
measuring the changes in activities of daily living. The
investigator selected consecutive allocation envelopes for
researchers concluded, by examining total effective rates,
consecutive participants.
that rehabilitation exercise therapy could improve muscle
Patients who were randomized into the treatment group
spasticity significantly more than traditional Chinese massage
received court -type TTM, two nonconsecutive days per week
therapy. However, this study was published in Chinese. Thus,
for 6 weeks. Five certified personnel who performed massage
it cannot clearly be stated how the previous study measured
for the duration of the study were standardized according
the total effective rate and the details of the massage tech-
to a Thai massage organization. Therapists performed the
nique and dosage used.
massage with the same procedure over the hemiplegic side for
Traditional Thai massage (TTM) is the most popu-
1 hour per session. The basic massage lines and major signal
lar alternative medicine in Thailand. People have been
points were the main massage treatment using only thumb
acquainted with this massage for over a century. Currently,
and hand pressing at the point without traction or stretching.
it is well recognized and regulated by the Thai government.
The basic massage lines were pressed for 10 seconds and the
Although massage is found worldwide in clinical practice, the
major signal points were pressed for 30 seconds per point.
scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of massage
Massage points included in this study were located in the leg,
in decreasing spasticity is limited. Therefore, a randomized
back, abdomen, arm, shoulder, and neck regions. The details
controlled trial with a single -blinded assessor was performed
of the massage protocol are presented in Table S 1 .
submit your manuscript I
wvnv dovcprcss com
Clinical Interven
Clinical Interventions in Aging
open access to scientific and medical research
The efficacy of traditional Thai massage
in decreasing spasticity in elderly stroke patients
This article was published in the following
Dove Press journal:
Clinical Interventions in Aging
I I August 2014
times this article has been viewed
Than itta Thanakiatpinyo'
To study the efficacy of traditional Thai massage
versus conventional physical
Supakij Suwannatrai2
therapy (PT) programs in treating muscle spasticity, functional ability, anxiety, depression, and
Ueamphon Suwannatrai2
quality of life (QoL) in Thai stroke patients.
Phanitanong Khumkaew2
Methods: This randomized controlled trial with a blinded assessor was carried out at the
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Siriraj Hospital (Bangkok, Thailand). The study
Dokmai Wiwattamongkol
included 50 stroke (onset
months) outpatients experiencing spasticity at the elbow or knee
Man mas Vannabhum2
muscles at a grade of
on the modified Ashworth Scale who were
years old and able
Somluck Pianmanakit'
to communicate. The subjects were randomly allocated to the treatment group receiving TTM
Vilai Kuptniratsaikull
(24 subjects) or the control group receiving the PT program (26 subjects). Both groups received
'Department of Rehabilitation
treatment (either TTM or PT) twice a week for 6 weeks. Spasticity grade, functional ability,
2Center of Applied Thai
anxiety, depression, and QoL were measured at Week 0 and Week 6.
Traditional Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
At Week 6, the percentage of patients whose modified Ashworth Scale score had
University, Bangkok, Thailand
decreased by at least one grade was not statistically significant between the two groups. Both
TTM and PT groups experienced a significant increase in functional ability and QoL, but no
difference was found between the groups. Anxiety and depression scores showed a decreasing
trend in the TTM group.
This preliminary report showed no evidence that TTM differed from the PT
program in decreasing spasticity. However, both interventions may relieve spasticity, increase
functional ability, and improve QoL after 6 weeks. Only TTM can decrease anxiety and depres-
sion scores. Further studies with adequate sample size are necessary.
Keywords: stroke, massage, spasticity, anxiety, depression
Worldwide, stroke is one of the common ailments among the elderly. It is the third-
ranking cause of death, and therefore affects the health care system in Thailand.' One
of the common consequences of stroke is spasticity. It is defined as a motor disorder
that is characterized by a velocity -dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes (muscle
tone) with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from hyperexcitability of the stretch
reflexes.' The prevalence of post -stroke spasticity has ranged from 19%' to 39%
4 of
stroke patients at 3 months and 12 months after experiencing stroke, respectively. In
Thailand, the prevalence of post -stroke spasticity during rehabilitation was 41.6%.
However, recent studies reported that the increased resistance of muscles with spas-
Correspondence: Vilai Kuptniratsaikul
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
ticity to passive movement is due not only to hyperexcitability reflexes, but also to
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
altered properties of the muscle tissue.
Spasticity can cause pain, abnormal posture,
Mahidol University, 2 Prannok Road,
Bangkok 10700, Thailand
and joint contracture. It may interfere with functional recovery and the ability to
Tel +66 2 419 7311
perform daily activities, resulting in decreasing quality of life (QoL) and increasing
Fax +66 2 411 4813
caregiver burden.
submit your manuscript
Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9
© 5014 lhanakiatpinyo et at This work is published by Dore Medical Pins Limited. and licensed under Cleanly Commons Attribution — Don Commeicial (mputed, r3.0) I 0.2 I 4 7/C I A.S6 64 I 6
License. Iht full terms oldie License are arulabSe at Non.commercial uses of the woth are pemitted without any luither
permission horn Dm Medial Press Limited. prcoided the work is property attributed. Permissions bemod the scope of the license are administered by Dore Medical Press (hunted. Infotmation on
to request permsi sion may be found at
Thanakiatpinyo et al
Currently, many methods for decreasing spasticity are
to compare the effects of TTM and conventional physical
available, including pharmacological and nonpharmacologi-
therapy (PT) on spasticity, functional ability, anxiety, depres-
cal treatments. The pharmacological therapies, such as oral
sion, and QoL in stroke patients.
anti -spastic drugs," botulinum toxin injection,
9-" phenol
injections,94alcohol injection," and intrathecal baclofen,'4."
usually focus on reducing reflex hyperexcitability. Nonphar-
The current study was a randomized trial. The study pro-
macological treatments, which aim to inhibit neural activ-
tocol was conducted in accordance with the ethical prin-
ity, reduce muscle stiffness, and improve the surrounding
ciples stated in the most recent version of the Declaration
connective tissue, include heat modalities, cryotherapy,
of Helsinki. After the study protocol was approved by the
electrical stimulation, stretching, splinting, acupuncture,
Institutional Review Board of Siriraj Hospital, stroke patients
and massage.'
were recruited from the outpatient unit of the Department of
The mechanisms of massage on spasticity vary depending
Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
on technique. Goldberg et al found that petrissage massage
(Bangkok, Thailand) from August 2011 through July 2013.
above the lumbar area can reduce H -reflex amplitude in the
Chronic stroke (onset
months) patients with moderate-
calf muscles of people with traumatic spinal cord injury."
to -severe spasticity of the elbow or knee in at least one limb
This result reflects a reduction in motor neuron excitability.
(grade .
1+), as evaluated by the MAS, who were aged a
Deep massage can stretch the muscle that experiences spas-
years and able to communicate, were eligible to participate.
ticity and reset sarcomere lengths to a more optimal state.
Subjects who had contraindications for massage, eg, fever
It helps to break down subcutaneous adhesions and prevent
38°C or greater, uncontrolled blood pressure, bleeding
fibrosis," and may lead to improved sensory feedback from
tendencies, taking anticoagulant drugs, unhealed fractures,
muscle spindle receptors. Moreover, the repetitive cutaneous
contact dermatitis, skin infections, or severe osteoporosis,
stimulation provided by massage may reduce pain through
were excluded. Additionally, fixed joint contracture, a his-
the gate control theory."
tory of botulinum toxin injection within the last 6 months, a
There have been a few study reports related to massage
history of nerve block within the past year, severe dementia,
and spasticity. Unfortunately, these studies were reported
or uncontrolled psychological disorders were excluded. The
in local languages. Only one randomized control trial was
study would be terminated if severe adverse events occurred,
found, which reported the efficacy of rehabilitation exer-
including fractures or hematomas in the muscle or soft tissue
cise therapy in decreasing post -stroke hemiplegia limb
of the patients.
muscle spasticity compared with traditional Chinese massage
After providing consent, subjects were randomly assigned
therapy?' Their curative effects on patients were evaluated
to undergo TTM or the conventional PT program. A computer-
4 weeks after treatment using the modified Ashworth Scale
generated randomization number was used, and the allo-
(MAS) and limb motor function integration scale, and by
cation codes were kept in opaque envelopes. An external
measuring the changes in activities of daily living. The
investigator selected consecutive allocation envelopes for
researchers concluded, by examining total effective rates,
consecutive participants.
that rehabilitation exercise therapy could improve muscle
Patients who were randomized into the treatment group
spasticity significantly more than traditional Chinese massage
received court -type TTM, two nonconsecutive days per week
therapy. However, this study was published in Chinese. Thus,
for 6 weeks. Five certified personnel who performed massage
it cannot clearly be stated how the previous study measured
for the duration of the study were standardized according
the total effective rate and the details of the massage tech-
to a Thai massage organization. Therapists performed the
nique and dosage used.
massage with the same procedure over the hemiplegic side for
Traditional Thai massage (TTM) is the most popu-
1 hour per session. The basic massage lines and major signal
lar alternative medicine in Thailand. People have been
points were the main massage treatment using only thumb
acquainted with this massage for over a century. Currently,
and hand pressing at the point without traction or stretching.
it is well recognized and regulated by the Thai government.
The basic massage lines were pressed for 10 seconds and the
Although massage is found worldwide in clinical practice, the
major signal points were pressed for 30 seconds per point.
scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of massage
Massage points included in this study were located in the leg,
in decreasing spasticity is limited. Therefore, a randomized
back, abdomen, arm, shoulder, and neck regions. The details
controlled trial with a single -blinded assessor was performed
of the massage protocol are presented in Table S 1 .
submit your manuscript I
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Clinical Interven
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