Concept 1st: Environment aspect
Environmentis everything that surrounds people, constructed surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging from the large-scale civic surroundings to the personal place and the culture that an individual lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact. It has an influence in behavior of human in their daily life.Many young people live in communities which suffer from multiple deprivation, with high unemployment, low quality housing and where the surrounding infra-structure of local services is fractured and poorly resourced. In such communities drug supply and use often thrive as an alternative economy often controlled by powerful criminal groups. As well as any use that might be associated with the stress and boredom of living in such communities, young people with poor job prospects recognize the financial advantages and the status achievable through the business of small scale supply of drugs.However, drug use is certainly not restricted to areas of urban deprivation. As the press stories of expulsions from private schools and drug use in rural areas show, illicit drug use is an aspect of our society from top to bottom and in all regions.A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterized by substandard housing and squalor. While slums differ in size and other characteristics from country to country, most lack reliable sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, timely law enforcement and other basic services. Slum is the place that surrounded by an unlawful things and purposes, and it is not suitable for living. People in slum are poor and they don’t know what they need to do in their life, until someone give them a point. Some people are in the state encountering problems like poverty, unemployment, cost of living is high, having a lot of debts etc., when they can’t solve the problems, then they use drugs to relax themselves,despite knowing that a temporarily time, such as smoking marijuana to be drunk in order to forget about the debt. Poverty makes them to flounder to find a moneyfor their family, selling a drugs is one of the way to earn money and it’s very easy to do. Many of them sold it, and it ruined themselves and their family.From assessing of the spread of drugs. Drugs are very prevalent in Thailand, including heroin and amphetamines. Heroin has a serious scourgein the Northeast and South areas, and methamphetamine is spreading in the Central.Particularly among students, form the statistics compiled by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, in 1990students have voluntarily entered treatment for 447people and the number is increasing every year. Besides, form the statics showed that during 1992-2000 the spread of drug abuse among students has increased continuously since 2002 onwards and expects is likely intensified even more.
แนวคิด 1: ด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม Environmentis everything that surrounds people, constructed surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging from the large-scale civic surroundings to the personal place and the culture that an individual lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact. It has an influence in behavior of human in their daily life.Many young people live in communities which suffer from multiple deprivation, with high unemployment, low quality housing and where the surrounding infra-structure of local services is fractured and poorly resourced. In such communities drug supply and use often thrive as an alternative economy often controlled by powerful criminal groups. As well as any use that might be associated with the stress and boredom of living in such communities, young people with poor job prospects recognize the financial advantages and the status achievable through the business of small scale supply of drugs.However, drug use is certainly not restricted to areas of urban deprivation. As the press stories of expulsions from private schools and drug use in rural areas show, illicit drug use is an aspect of our society from top to bottom and in all regions.A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterized by substandard housing and squalor. While slums differ in size and other characteristics from country to country, most lack reliable sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, timely law enforcement and other basic services. Slum is the place that surrounded by an unlawful things and purposes, and it is not suitable for living. People in slum are poor and they don’t know what they need to do in their life, until someone give them a point. Some people are in the state encountering problems like poverty, unemployment, cost of living is high, having a lot of debts etc., when they can’t solve the problems, then they use drugs to relax themselves,despite knowing that a temporarily time, such as smoking marijuana to be drunk in order to forget about the debt. Poverty makes them to flounder to find a moneyfor their family, selling a drugs is one of the way to earn money and it’s very easy to do. Many of them sold it, and it ruined themselves and their family.From assessing of the spread of drugs. Drugs are very prevalent in Thailand, including heroin and amphetamines. Heroin has a serious scourgein the Northeast and South areas, and methamphetamine is spreading in the Central.Particularly among students, form the statistics compiled by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, in 1990students have voluntarily entered treatment for 447people and the number is increasing every year. Besides, form the statics showed that during 1992-2000 the spread of drug abuse among students has increased continuously since 2002 onwards and expects is likely intensified even more.
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