Love’s philosophy is divided in two 8-line stanzas with an ABABCDCD rhyme scheme. Because the term ‘philosophy’
means literarily ‘love of wisdom’ the poem offers a kind of self-reflective inquiry into the wisdom of ‘love’,The poet is looking at the natural world around him through love-coloured glasses. Nature is on the side
of love: it is a nice spring day, where everything functions in harmony and perfect union, the rivers flow into the ocean, and flowers
pollinize one another and bloom, and the sun shines upon the earth embracing everything, and he feels alone in his feelings: Why
not I with thine?" and "If thou kiss not me?" The entire poem is an allegory of unrequited love and Shelley uses several poetic
devices that appeal to physical senses (the most clear is for example the sense of touch) in order to convey the ‘feeling’ of his own
sensations to the audicence