This study suggested that CIMT is effective in improving grasp and dissociated movement items of outcome tool while there was no superiority observed of CIMT over BMT in weight bearing and protective extension items. In literature there are many studies conducted on the effectiveness of CIMT. A study evaluated mCIMT efficacy on QUEST outcome tool. As concluded ‘Change in mean score of QUEST total score’ was presented with significant improvements.10 A study done to compare CIMT and BMT, specificity of intervention showed CIMT to be more effective in unimanual abilities and BMT in bimanual performance.11 Another study conducted to compare six hour training to the three hour training of CIMT for maintaining post treatment effects on 6 month follow-up, concluded with no significant difference, and both six hour and three hour interventions being equally effective.12 A study was conducted to find out whether combined mCIMT-BMT technique provides any outcome in spontaneous hand use in daily living activities. It found mCIMT followed by BMT to be effective in improving spontaneous use of affected hand.13