‘Post-communist transition’ (N¼ 11). The main causes within
this category refer to the effects of the end of the communist
regime as they are perceived by local stakeholders. Stakeholders
indicated that after the decline of communism, their living conditions
deteriorated and a quick solution to improving their lifestyle
was to harvest the forest. Forest restitution processes in the post communist
period resulted in widespread private ownership of
the local forests, a phenomenon which triggered also their deforestation.
‘Foreign investments’ (N¼ 6). Within this category, stakeholders
mentioned that landscape changes such as forest growth and its
stagnation were caused by both the European funds for tree nurseries
and foreign investments for sustainable forest exploitation.
Stakeholders also indicated that the forest exploitation practices of
foreign companies contribute to natural and anthropic reforestation.
Within this category, the zoning of protected areas was
mentioned as an important driver of forest persistence due to its
conservation purpose.