In the proposed design, similar to Solomon four- group design, pre-testing effect is checked by
using two groups in which no pre-testing is made (Braver & Braver, 1988 ). Comparison of the scores
of these groups with their corresponding groups which take both pre-test and post-test is a strategy
anticipated in this study. In Solomon design, implementation check or treatment fidelity aspect is lack.
In the proposed design, implementation processes in the control and treatment group are videorecorded
for checking the real treatment situations in the groups by using check lists and for making
comparisons between the groups. Using video records gives the opportunity of analyzing data over
and over again by the same individual or more than one individual (Belg, Borelli, Resnick et. al.
2004). Check list use provides quantitative data to make statistical comparisons between groups and
opportunity of making easy analysis on data by different individuals on treatment fidelity. Comparison
of different analyses’ results gathered by different individuals is also effective to establish reliability
and validity of the data collected. But, use of video-recording might cause to Hawthorne Effect (Cook,
1967). To check whether any effect of video recording in two groups occurs, one control group that is
video-recorded is also added into the design. Comparison of video-recorded control group and the
control group that is not video recorded, but pre-tested gives a base to reach a solution about recording
effect. As another strategy recommended in the design, the uninformed implementers in the groups
should be assigned by taking into account the gender factor and balancing gender between the groups
to reduce the implementer effect.
In the proposed design, similar to Solomon four- group design, pre-testing effect is checked byusing two groups in which no pre-testing is made (Braver & Braver, 1988 ). Comparison of the scoresof these groups with their corresponding groups which take both pre-test and post-test is a strategyanticipated in this study. In Solomon design, implementation check or treatment fidelity aspect is lack.In the proposed design, implementation processes in the control and treatment group are videorecordedfor checking the real treatment situations in the groups by using check lists and for makingcomparisons between the groups. Using video records gives the opportunity of analyzing data overand over again by the same individual or more than one individual (Belg, Borelli, Resnick et. al.2004). Check list use provides quantitative data to make statistical comparisons between groups andopportunity of making easy analysis on data by different individuals on treatment fidelity. Comparisonof different analyses’ results gathered by different individuals is also effective to establish reliabilityand validity of the data collected. But, use of video-recording might cause to Hawthorne Effect (Cook,1967). To check whether any effect of video recording in two groups occurs, one control group that isvideo-recorded is also added into the design. Comparison of video-recorded control group and thecontrol group that is not video recorded, but pre-tested gives a base to reach a solution about recordingผลการ เป็นอีกกลยุทธ์ที่แนะนำในการออกแบบ สำหรับตัวใช้งานไม่รู้ในกลุ่มควรกำหนด โดยคำนึงถึงปัจจัยด้านเพศ และสมดุลเพศระหว่างกลุ่มเพื่อลดผลกระทบต่อผู้
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..