3. Research design and methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is about the methods that were used for collecting information in the field.
This chapter is mainly explaining how this study was conducted, the applied methods and
techniques in data collection and the reasons as to why they were used according to the
research aims and main objectives of the study. According to Webster (1985), to research
is to search or investigate exhaustively. It is a carefully or diligent search, studious
inquiry or examination especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery
and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws. It can also be the
collection of information about a particular subject. This chapter will involve a discussion
of the research process, the selection of the data sites, sampling methods and justification
and sources of data used in the study. There will also be a discussion on the analytical
and statistical techniques used in analysing the data for the study. This chapter concludes
with the discussion on the reliability and validity of the research as well as the
methodological problems encountered during the data collection and analysis.