CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study Stress is the feeling that is created when we react to particular events. It can make you feelthreatened or upset. It is a combination of psychological, physiological and behavioralreactions that people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. Stress canbe good or bad. Sometimes, it can be helpful, providing people with the extra energy oralertness they need and could give a runner the edge he or she needs to persevere in amarathon, for example. Good kind of stress is called eustress. Unfortunately, stress is oftennot helpful and can even be harmful when not managed effectively. Stress also can increasethe risk of developing heath problems such as cardiovascular disease and anxiety disorders.The bad kind of stress is called distress. Source: Stress is the effect of disruptive or upsetting situations which cause inresponse to adverse external situation. As collage students, we are more influenced ofencountering involuntary situations or conflicts causing us to experience feeling likefrustration, anxiety and having fear of what we cannot control. Face academic demands,social involvement, family and daily responsibilities are the causes that are faced among thecollege students. By not knowing how deal with meeting and demands of being a collegestudent and some having a full time job or a family to cater too can create a lot of pressureand cause stress. There are a lot of life changing decisions we have to make and challengeswe face daily. Some of those challengers can be classes, difficulties with our schedule,academic and financial obstacles. At times it seems impossible to find balance betweenschool and friends, family, part time or full-time jobs and relationships. Thus, this survey study is carried out to identify the factors associatedwith the stress among the students of KMPh, the effects of stress that can be experienceand to recommend suitable and appropriate actions that can be taken to overcome theproblem.