While flying, Kakkarot decided to have a conversation with Maize, and try to get to know him a little, "So um.. Do you have any silblings?"
"No, Kakkarotto- I mean Kakkarot.. I don't."
"Oh... OK.." Kakkarot said, "What do you like doing?"
"Well, thats what all us Saiya-jin's like doing... I mean, do you have hobbies, like swimming?"
"Cool." Kakkarot pulled a smile, "I like swimming too."
"So why are we seeing Broly, the man who tried killing you over an hour ago?"
"He's my mate, Maize.." Kakkarot said seriously, "And it isn't his fault. Can you please not say those things?"
"All right, sorry Kakkarotto, I mean-"
"Doesn't matter, call me whatever you want."
"Thank you."
"We're here..." Kakkarot flew down to the front where there were 2 guards at the door.
"Who are you?" One of them asked.
"Kakkarotto Son would like to visit someone.." Maize said.
"Oh, its you Zucchi, yes you two may come in.." The other said and they stepped aside and let them in.
"Your known around here?" Kakkarot asked.
"Yes, I used to work here." Maize said.
"Where is Broly?" Kakkarot asked as they walked past cages, most of them were empty because they have died here.
"He should be at the biggest, most strongest one. Because he is the most dangerous Saiya-jin ever." Maize said, "I just can't believe someone like you would mate with him. Your the first Saiya-jin who has ever mated with a Legendary Super Saiya-jin. I mean, someone like you should be mated with prince Vegeta."
"You said you would stop talking about stupid things like this."
"Is that him?" Kakkarot asked, pointing at a cage up ahead with 4 guards in front of it this time. Behind them, Kakkarot could see Broly's name on the cage.
"Must be.." Maize said walking up with Kakkarot, "Hey guys, this Saiya-jin would like to see Broly."
They all looked down at Kakkarot, staring at him, "Hey, your the kid who mated with him aren't you?" The 1st one asked.
"Yeah! He's Bardock's 3rd son, Kakkarotto!" The 2nd one said.
"Didn't broly try KILLING him not too long ago?" The 3rd one asked.
"Why would HE mate with the Legendary Super Saiya-jin?!" The 4th one asked.
"Just let me see him!" Kakkarot yelled.
They all looked at Maize, Maize nodded. They stepped aside and let the younger Saiya-jin in. "I don't know if this is a good idea..." The 2nd Saiya-jin guard said.
"Broly is all locked up so he can't hurt Bardock's son." The 4th Saiya-jin guard said.
Kakkarot looked at Broly sadly, he was all chained up, his neck, arms, legs, everything. He couldn't move at all. He walked closer to him and saw his eyes were closed. He couldn't be dead because Kakkarot would be dead too, Kakkarot thought he was sleeping.
He put his hand on his head, his fingers running through his hair. He wanted to talk to Broly, but it was good enough to see him aswell, Why is everyone calling Broly a monster? He is gorgeous... Kakkarot thought in his mind.
Broly wasn't asleep, he opened his eyes and looked up at Kakkarot, "Kakkarot, is that really you?"
"Yes, I thought you were asleep."
"Sort of... I'm storing my energy so I can escape again... And we can be together again.. I can't be without you. I missed you."
"So did I." Kakkarot said.
"Kakkarot, I'm so sorry about what happened before, I'm such a -"
"No Broly, its OK. It wasn't your fault."
"I nearly killed you Kakkarot, thats not OK. I have to control myself with my transformation. I might turn into the Legandary Super Saiya-jin again and hurt you, I don't want to do that. Are you OK?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." Kakkarot said, then mumbles, "my father wants me to mate with Yamucha, he said that I can replace you." He started crying, "I don't want to do that..... Broly....... I..... I love you.."
Broly was surprised he heard that. Did he really say he loved him? "I... Love you too."
Kakkarot squealed, "Really!?"
Broly liked seeing this side of him, lately Kakkarot has been stressed because his fathers want him to mate with Yamucha or Vegeta. "Yeah." Broly said.
"I hate seeing you in those chains.." Kakkarot said sadly, "I really want you to get out..."
"They are going to make a device for me soon, and put it on my head. It should help me to stop transforming into the Legendary Super Saiya-jin.." Broly said.
"Thats great!" Kakkarot said, "Then you can get out of here!"
"No, I can't." Broly said, "They'll still kill me. Theres a chance I still could transform. Im too dangerous, Kakkarot. I've killed lots of Saiya-jins, I don't want you to be next. Why did you visit me?"
"Because I was worried about you. And didn't you say before that your storing your energy for when you escape, so you can see me again?"
"Thats for when I get the device."
"Will it look weird?" Kakkarot asked.
"Why does that matter?" Broly asked.
Kakkarot shrugged. Then said, "I will not mate with Yamucha, I couldn't, I love you. No matter what my fathers say and do, I will always be with you. You mean so much to me, I would do almost anything for you. I would even help you escape.... Hold on, how did you escape the other times?" Kakkarot asked.
"I transformed." Broly said, "When I broke out I calmed down and went to the forest, thats where I met you 4 days ago."
"Its strange, it feels way more than 4 days. Like, 2 years or something."
"Really?" Broly asked.
"Yeah." Kakkarot said, "Would that mean you would have to transform into the Legandary Super Saiya-jin to get out of here?"
"Maybe, yes.." Broly said. "Yeah, theres no other way. You can't help me, you might have to stay away..."
"OK..." Kakkarot said.
"What did I do to you when I transformed??" Broly asked, "The others wouldn't tell me, they thought I was kidding when I said I don't know what happens when I transform."
"You strangled me until I passed out."
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry-"
"No, its all right."
"Kakkarot, your the only person who understands me, who trusts me, who cares for me. Everyone else hates me, except my father, but he died the day we met.." Broly said.
"R-really? Gosh, I'm so sorry.."
"Its OK. Thanks."
"For what?"
"For... Being you."
"Huh?" Kakkarot didn't understand.
Broly sighed then picked up another subject, "Look, I have an idea."
"What is it?" Kakkarot asked.
"You know, everyone on planet Vegeta knows me, and when they find me they will try to lock me up so we can't be together...... Why don't we just live on another planet then? Instead of being here. I won't ever transform because I'm happy. We could even have our own kids and everything."
Kakkarot smiled at the idea, "OK, where are we going to go? And wouldn't we need a ship?"
"Yes, my father had one. We can use that. And we can go to whatever we can find.."
"All right, sounds like a great plan."
"But Kakkarot, its only an suggestion. Are you really sure you want to leave your fathers and brothers? You might never see them ever again..."
"I will miss them. But I'd rather be with you."
"OK, times up. You gotta get outta' there Kakkarotto." The 1st Saiya-jin guard said.
"When will you try getting out of here?" Kakkarot asked Broly slowly walking away.