A right hand move, third child's Storage Spirit Ring falls off automatically, shoots on Ye Chen.
„Now should solve Yuan Zongbo and Mister Jin.”
The Soul Strength unidirectional scanning, Ye Chen found other two's trail quickly, they are catching up toward here, the speed is extremely fast.
„Original brother, I suddenly have not the good premonition.” In process that grazes, Mister Jin frowned, speed cannot help but slow.
The Yuan Zongbo doubts said: „How, you have thought that boy can strike to kill the wolf head mountain three brothers by strength of the, initially he coped with our two both to escape, the strength that the wolf head mountain three brothers collaborate must above us.”
Mister Jin said: „Words are so, but did not fear that the accident fears the eventuality.”
„What to do you said that what matter can't not do?”
„Possibly I was perhaps oversensitive, we pass.” Mister Jin has conceived all sorts, thought that will not have anything to occur accidentally, after all the wolf head mountain three brothers' strengths are placed there, the Ye Chen skill is big, impossible to kill their three easily, was previous injury is cast the shadow by oneself mostly. Removes the distracting thoughts, Mister Jin picks up the speed, and protecting the body True Qi intensity promotes the limit.