be forced to sell their daughters either.”
Everything was done for the benefit of the
people. Even the Mae Fah Luang Arboretum
at Doi Chang Moob started after the Princess
Mother visited this highest peak of the Nang Non
Hills, which was along the main opium trafficking
route in the area. Khunying Puangroi recounted,
“The Princess Mother visited the place and
decided to build a garden to disrupt the opium
trafficking route. When the area becomes secure,
people will dare to visit, and the large number
of outsiders would be an obstacle to the drug
The garden was later expanded as the Mae
Fah Luang Arboretum at Doi Chang Moob, greeting
visitors since 1996. Covering 63 rai, it houses
a diversity of trees, some over a hundred years
old, over 3,600 rhododendron and other mediumand
small-sized plants, as well as indigenous
and hybrid orchids produced in the project’s
tissue culture laboratories.
Expanding Education
One of the Princess Mother’s aspirations is
that every staff member of the Mae Fah Luang
Foundation adopts as their guiding principle the
commitment to provide others with opportunity and
choice. Khunying Puangroi elaborated “Wherever
we go, we will try to give people an opportunity, to
open the door so they can go out into the outside
world. The world of Doi Tung was in the hills where
six tribes lived who could not speak Thai clearly
if at all, and where there was a severe shortage
of teachers. To maximize the potential of the
people at Doi Tung, we now have eight schools
in the project area. We developed a curriculum
for these schools based on what the Princess
Mother taught us. We do not aim for academic
excellence as much as to groom children to be
responsible citizens and most important to give
them the ability to think resourcefully. We spend
money generated from our businesses on things
like hiring teachers from England who have now
been with us for ten years to develop child-centred
learning. We teach children to be responsible,
not to steal or lie; simple things that the children
comply with. We give them an opportunity to learn
from real situations, say, why we must restore
forests and whether or not they should cut down
the trees they’ve grown.”
Through collaboration with the Ministry of
Education, the Mae Fah Luang Foundation has
developed a curriculum for the eight schools in
the Doi Tung area that incorporates the Montessori
approach, project-based learning and hands-on
vocational training, as its guiding principle for the
development of social and emotional skills. Art
serves as a complementary vehicle to expand
their imagination. This aims to groom the Doi
Tung youth to be citizens with values and conscience,
responsibility, initiative, self-reliance
and academic proficiency.
Khunying Puangroi added, “When these children
grow up and study at a higher level, do you
think they will want to come back to their homes?
Normally, people who are forced to live in a certain
area will move away as soon as they have an ID
card and an education. But when you ask the
บังคับให้ขายเองทั้งนั้น"ทุกอย่างทำเพื่อ benefit ของการคน แม้สวนแม่ฟ้าหลวงที่ดอยช้างมูบเริ่มหลังจากเจ้าหญิงแม่ชมนี้สูงที่สุดของนางนอนเนินเขา ซึ่งเป็นไปตามการค้าฝิ่นหลักเส้นทางในพื้นที่ ถึงคุณหญิงพวง"แม่เจ้าหญิงชมสถานที่ และตัดสินใจสร้างสวนทำลายฝิ่นเส้นทางค้ามนุษย์ เมื่อกลายเป็นพื้นที่ที่ปลอดภัยท่านจะกล้าไปเยือน และจำนวนมากของบุคคลภายนอกจะเป็นอุปสรรคต่อการเสพติดค้า" ภายหลังขยายเป็นแม่สวนสวนรุกขชาติดอยช้างมูบ อวยพรผู้เข้าชมตั้งแต่ปี 1996 ครอบคลุมเชียงราย 63 นอกบ้านความหลากหลายของต้นไม้ บางกว่าร้อยปีเก่า 3,600 กว่าเดนดรอน และ mediumand อื่น ๆพืชขนาดเล็ก เช่นชนและกล้วยไม้ลูกผสมที่ผลิตในโครงการห้องปฏิบัติการเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อขยายการศึกษาสมเด็จย่าแรงบันดาลใจอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่งคือที่พนักงานทุกคนของแม่ฟ้าหลวงมูลนิธิใช้เป็นหลักการแนวทางการมุ่งมั่นที่จะให้ผู้อื่น มีโอกาส และทางเลือก คุณหญิงพวง elaborated "ทุกเราไป เราจะพยายามให้ท่านมีโอกาสเปิดประตูเพื่อให้พวกเขาสามารถไปออกไปด้านนอกโลก โลกของดอยตุงเป็นเนินเขาที่หกเผ่าอาศัยอยู่ที่พูดไทยได้ชัดเจนถ้าที่ทั้งหมด และที่มีการขาดแคลนอย่างรุนแรงof teachers. To maximize the potential of thepeople at Doi Tung, we now have eight schoolsin the project area. We developed a curriculumfor these schools based on what the PrincessMother taught us. We do not aim for academicexcellence as much as to groom children to beresponsible citizens and most important to givethem the ability to think resourcefully. We spendmoney generated from our businesses on thingslike hiring teachers from England who have nowbeen with us for ten years to develop child-centredlearning. We teach children to be responsible,not to steal or lie; simple things that the childrencomply with. We give them an opportunity to learnfrom real situations, say, why we must restoreforests and whether or not they should cut downthe trees they’ve grown.”Through collaboration with the Ministry ofEducation, the Mae Fah Luang Foundation hasdeveloped a curriculum for the eight schools inthe Doi Tung area that incorporates the Montessoriapproach, project-based learning and hands-onvocational training, as its guiding principle for thedevelopment of social and emotional skills. Artserves as a complementary vehicle to expandtheir imagination. This aims to groom the DoiTung youth to be citizens with values and conscience,responsibility, initiative, self-relianceand academic proficiency.Khunying Puangroi added, “When these childrengrow up and study at a higher level, do youthink they will want to come back to their homes?
Normally, people who are forced to live in a certain
area will move away as soon as they have an ID
card and an education. But when you ask the
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..