arachnid - spiders, daddy longlegs, scorpions, mites, and ticks, that have four pairs of segmented legs and a body that is divided into two parts
burrows - a hole or tunnel dug in the ground by an animal
camouflage - coloring that makes it easy to blend into nearby areas
cobweb - old tangled spiderweb that has collected dust and dirt
dragline - long silk threads that trail behind the spider
egg sac - sac made of silk that hold the spider eggs
habitat - the area where an animal normally lives
molting - when the spider sheds its skin
orb web - a circular web spun by a spider
prey - an animal hunted for food
silk - a fine threadlike material spun by a spider
spiderlings - baby spiders
spinnerets - area on a spider that makes silk
web - pieces of silk put together by a spider