#726: In one month time, Jiange graceful bearing
【Thanks „thousand long-drawn-out including far” hit to enjoy this book 1888 reading coins, „dawn four” hit to enjoy this book 1776 reading coins, „talking nonsense radical that moment train of thought” hits to enjoy this book 900 reading coins, „the subordinate of zero” hits to enjoy this book 450 reading coins, thanked „TS Murong Qin” „w13970302251” hitting enjoyed】
Luanluan exits, they as if relaxed, loosens slowly is holding each other hand.
„How also to shout me master?” The Yiye Jiange black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is slightly pressed, looks that in the Qing Shui eye has light losing, if Qing Shui carefully did not look that could not have looked.
„Jiange!” Qing Shui shouted gently, does not know anything to feel at heart, between he and Yiye Jiange actually is mainly because Luanluan will do the present so condition, at least is the Qing Shui feeling.
Yiye Jiange is earliest one rescues person of Qing Shui among dangers, is Qing Shui is willing to shout that she master female, in the Qing Shui eye is a other-worldy fairy maiden.
„Was good, today is the happy day, we only said that the happy matter is good.” Yiye Jiange relaxed saying, she also felt with a smile one a little were too formerly obvious.
„Um, are you familiar with here?”
Yiye Jiange is one likes the quiet woman, otherwise the choice will not come to here, stays when Heavenly Sword Sect on a mountain peak.
„Custom, I am very here happy.” Yiye Jiange hints Qing Shui to sit, their opposite has not sat, but sits on the sofa shoulder to shoulder.
Qing Shui puts out two porcelain insulators, what inside installs Yang Yuan Pill that is obtains Yang Yuan Pill formula refines after Yuan Su there, the effect increases 50 years of life, everyone can only take one his entire life.
„This is Yang Yuan Pill, can increase 50 years of life, what a pity can only take one, this is you and Luanluan.” Qing Shui gives Yiye Jiange to say with a smile.
Now Luanluan had hundred years of life, now again the additional 50 years, the life of small girl is the Qing Shui in addition, Yiye Jiange has not met, but said with a smile: „You give her, her intelligent.”
„We return to Qing Family together, there lively, you must be familiar with many and human contact.” Qing Shui looks at Yiye Jiange with a smile.
„Um, is good, Luanluan goes to Qing Family actually frequently.” Yiye Jiange said with a smile.
„Yes, conceals her like her entire life also well, is only you? In the future what to do if you can get married? How and did Luanluan say?” Qing Shui thinks saying that unknowingly has to mention this issue.
„Who said that I can get married? I do not get married.” Yiye Jiange was angry panting in indignation Qing Shui.
„Well, doesn't marry, that Jiange I asked your question.” Qing Shui said hastily that such beautiful woman master turns into the nominal wife is makes Qing Shui a little unable to make a turn.
„Asked.” Yiye Jiange thinks that formerly the panting in indignation facial expression had smiled, therefore said that now is very relaxed.
„ That, Jiange do you have to like the man? That is you have thought must get married or think one day can be constantly together with a man? Qing Shui circled quite a while does not know that asked the words does not have clearly, actually the Qing Shui meaning wants to ask that she was desolate, or does not like the man
„Brat, asking for it, I, although has not liked the man, but I am very normal, is a normal woman.” The Yiye Jiange face a little red put out a hand to hit to be angry on the Qing Shui head to say.
Qing Shui is very happy, he does not know why and Yiye Jiange in together at this time specially happy, a other-worldy general fairy maiden exposes such facial expression to make the Qing Shui mind as if very perfectly clear, her gently hits to look that on the head she resembles the look feeling that resentful as is angry to be very happy, that is a purification feeling, as if the whole person was washed.
„, Is cannot make Jiange look to glance, this was good” Qing Shui as if to relax same is saying.
„Brat do you want me to get married?” Yiye Jiange panting in indignation looks at Qing Shui.
„You are my daughter mother, I do not want.” Qing Shui teased with a smile, before Qing Shui cannot so natural saying such words.
Yiye Jiange shames and air/Qi was angry Qing Shui not to say anything.
Qing Shui also no longer said that Qing Shui felt that Yiye Jiange can achieve really not wants not to strive, in addition other-worldy temperament, the eternal truth exiles the immortal to descend to earth.
Since Luanluan shouted after his father shouted the Yiye Jiange mother, among them the feeling had some subtle changes, was one type is not the family member but for various reasons wins the family member.
Qing Shui saw Cang Wuya and Fei Wuji, saw after Qing Shui, Cang Wuya and Fei Wuji are specially happy, these two people are also do one's