Sensory analysis is the identification, scientific measurement,analysis and interpretation of the properties of aproduct, as they are perceived through the five senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing [1].The sensory properties of food are extremely important
in addition to chemical and microbiological parameters,because these properties determine consumer acceptance.This is why sensory tests are essential in terms of quality.At the present time Hungarian companies use solely the method of the Hungarian standard to check the uniformity
of food quality, but this technique is not applicable to the product range on the market and is insufficiently detailed. Campden and Chorleywood Food Industry Development Institute Hungary has further developed a new sensory quality assessment method, sensory benchmarking, which
was originally developed by CCFRA that provides a quick, objective and accurate method for the evaluation of the sensory properties of foods [2]. The aim of the research was to determine the correct way of the evaluation arising from sensory benchmarking, to measure the performance and reliability of the assessors, and to characterize the abilities of the different types of sensory methods.