Daly-academic economist
'By 'growth' I mean quantitative increase in the scale of the physical
dimensions of the economy; ... By 'development' I mean the
qualitative improvement in the structure, design and composition of
physical stocks and flows, that result from greater knowledge, both
of technique and of purpose. (1987, p323)
Goodland and Ledec (1987)-institutional environmental scientists
sustainable development implies using renewable natural
resources in a manner which does not eliminate or degrade them, or
otherwise diminish their usefulness for future
generations....Sustainable development further implies using nonrenewable
(exhaustible) mineral resources in a manner which does
not unnecessarily preclude easy access to them by future
generations... .Sustainable development also implies depleting nonrenewable
energy resources at a slow enough rate so as to ensure
the high probability of an orderly societal transition to renewable
energy sources...." (p37)