I will attach all the relevant reference files and a basic mock up of
the scene, but how you pose and detail the scene is up to you.
The book exert that describes this scene is as follows:
“Eat shit!” he spat, before rolling toward the voice and lifting
the scatter gun.
As soon as he made his move, the Coalition soldier fired his weapon
and Zat felt a jolt as something pushed hard against his left side.
The round smashed straight through his torso armour and took a large
chunk of flesh out of his side as it slammed him back into the floor,
but it didn’t stop Zat from pulling the trigger.
As he was thrown backward, his scatter gun roared on full automatic,
spraying the monitoring platform in a wide arc with explosive-tipped
A blaze of laser lights appeared as the Coalition soldier’s
defensive grid went to work, burning any drillets from the air that
came within a metre of him, while those that weren’t destroyed hit
the walls and floor around him in a series of explosive sparks that
left small, blackened craters behind them.
Although intellectual property will be purchased as part of this transaction, the artists name will be displayed in all versions of the short story, beneath my own. I would also like the illustration to be signed (in a discreet manner).