17. Supervision and implementation support. Between 2001–2007, the project
was supervised by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), and an
MTR was carried out in 2004. IFAD took over direct supervision in 2007. UNOPS
organized a total of five supervision missions from 2002-2007. There were two
follow up missions in 2004 undertaken by IFAD, which related to the following
subjects: review of the feasibility study for Steung Phe irrigation project in Kampot
(August 2004); and the implementation of the agriculture component (November
18. Implementation modalities. The project‟s executing agency was the Ministry of
Rural Development, which housed the Project Support Unit. In parallel with this unit, the Seila Task Force11 had a secretariat in Phnom Penh, and provided policy
guidance on the decentralization of government functions, and inter-ministerial
coordination when the Project Support Unit was unable to resolve coordination
issues. At the provincial level, project implementation involved the Provincial Rural
Development Committee; its Executive Committee; the Provincial Department of
Rural Development; the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries; the Provincial Services of Water Resources and Meteorology; and the
Provincial Department of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. At
district level, project implementation involved the District Development Committee
and district based staff in provincial line agencies; in communes, the Commune
Development Committees (replaced by the commune councils after the election in
2002) and their administration. At the village level, the beneficiaries, self–help
groups, village development committees, extension groups, etc. played a major
role in project planning and implementation (see organizational chart of
institutional relationships in annex 9).