The smallspotted catshark, Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) presents a wide
Atlanto-Mediterranean distribution, being commonly captured off the Languedocian coast
(southern France, northern Mediterranean). Production of egg capsules was observed throughout
the year, except in September. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), gonosomatic index (GSI) and
oviducosomatic index (OSI) significantly increased with size in both males and females. HSI
reached the highest values in both sub-adult and adult specimens, reflecting the role of the liver in
the gonadal production as well as in buoyancy, while GSI and OSI reached the highest values in
adult females. HSI and GSI did not show significant monthly variations, suggesting that the
reproductive activity occurred throughout the year in both males and females. This fact was
enhanced in the females by the lack of significant monthly variations in OSI.
The smallspotted catshark, Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) presents a wide
Atlanto-Mediterranean distribution, being commonly captured off the Languedocian coast
(southern France, northern Mediterranean). Production of egg capsules was observed throughout
the year, except in September. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), gonosomatic index (GSI) and
oviducosomatic index (OSI) significantly increased with size in both males and females. HSI
reached the highest values in both sub-adult and adult specimens, reflecting the role of the liver in
the gonadal production as well as in buoyancy, while GSI and OSI reached the highest values in
adult females. HSI and GSI did not show significant monthly variations, suggesting that the
reproductive activity occurred throughout the year in both males and females. This fact was
enhanced in the females by the lack of significant monthly variations in OSI.
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