4.3. Esterification of [1-14C] labelled fatty acids into different classes of lipids
In cell lines from Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and gilthead sea
bream, the vast majority (~40–65%) of the label from 18:2n−6 and
18:3n−3 was recovered in PC (Tocher and Ghioni, 1999; Tocher and
Sargent, 1990). This was similar to what was found in the SBT-E1 cell
line. In contrast, the results for 20:5n−3 were much more variable. In
the SBT-E1 cells, approximately equal amounts of the label (~40%)
from 20:5n−3 were recovered in PC and PE. This is compared with
~30% in PC and ~60% in PE in Atlantic salmon and gilthead sea bream
cell lines as opposed to ~60% in PC and ~30% in PE in rainbow trout
cells. Despite this variation, all three PUFAs were incorporated
4.3. Esterification of [1-14C] labelled fatty acids into different classes of lipidsIn cell lines from Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and gilthead seabream, the vast majority (~40–65%) of the label from 18:2n−6 and18:3n−3 was recovered in PC (Tocher and Ghioni, 1999; Tocher andSargent, 1990). This was similar to what was found in the SBT-E1 cellline. In contrast, the results for 20:5n−3 were much more variable. Inthe SBT-E1 cells, approximately equal amounts of the label (~40%)from 20:5n−3 were recovered in PC and PE. This is compared with~30% in PC and ~60% in PE in Atlantic salmon and gilthead sea breamcell lines as opposed to ~60% in PC and ~30% in PE in rainbow troutcells. Despite this variation, all three PUFAs were incorporated
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