Ceramic Mugs
Temperature: Phoenix Mug Press: 360ºF; Idle 300ºF; Other mug presses without an Idle: 400ºF / Time: 240 seconds /
Pressure: light
Tips: Print transfer and attach to the mug using a heat resistant tape. Wrap the mug with pellon (recommended) or plain
white paper. Place the mug in the press for 4 minutes. Remove the mug from the press and remove the transfer
immediately. Place the mug in room temperature water to cool and to stop the sublimation process.
Additional notes: It is important to recognize what your specific mugs “safe area” is. It is suggested that you make a test
mug to define an area that you can depend on for quality results. For example, an average mug may take an image up to
1/2 inch of the top and bottom and no closer than 1 inch of the handles horizontally.