Just thinking of the mental places Jensen had to go to during the Hell monologue in 4.10 makes me cringe and feel horrible inside. For several hours straight while the director asked for multiple takes, a man who is emotionally perfectly okay, had to purposefully make himself go to a place of such vulnerability, fear, and pain, a place where he felt his own heart was flayed to the raw nerve, a place that made him break down and shed tears and wish he couldn’t feel anything. All because he had to imagine being tortured in Hell for 30 years, and then imagine torturing other people for the next 10. How disturbing is that? Props to Jensen, for doing anything and everything in his power to make Dean Winchester believable. I seriously cannot wrap my head around how this man does it. Dean is literally one the most difficult characters to portray on a television schedule. To do scenes like this one from 4.10 for hours on end, or to be in a low mindset for over half a year in Season 9—that’s just insane stuff. But Jensen does it, even though it hurts like hell. And I just love and respect and admire him so much for having that kind of loyalty towards Dean and that kind of determination to do the job to perfection.