It’s true that few things beat a steaming, fragrant cup of coffee and, if you haven’t noticed, there is a new wave of beauty teas on the market to boost your skin health, as well as beautiful, Instagrammable teas (we’re looking at you, Sloane) that make you want to keep your pinkies up and much like choosing produce, you want to search for the best-quality teas so medicinal teas (or those used for health benefits) require a different steeping approach than more “pleasure” type teas, which are steeped to taste. For skin: Try calendula (a.k.a. marigold). “It’s great for blemishes,” For Digestion: Try peppermint or ginger teas , For Hair growth: Burdock and rosemary teas , For Stress: Chamomile and peppermint to soothe, and ginseng and ginkgo to help cope , For Headache: Peppermint. “It’s a mild/moderate pain reliever,” For Mood: Lemon balm and licorice. “These herbs are great at fighting irritability, fatigue and depression.