However, since volume of permeable voids of modified samples
was lower than the plain cement paste at w/s = 0.27, it can be
assumed that incorporation of OC was able to generate an important
micro structural modification and thus contribute to formation
of closed porosity or reduction in the continuity of pores. On
the other hand, as it is shown in Fig. 4, volume of permeable voids
of modified samples greatly increased at higher w/s ratios that suggests
about formation of higher volume of capillary pores, what is
in agreement with observation made by others [14,15]. Since sorptivity
reflects the combined effects of composition, pore structure
and wettability [21], it was thought that water absorption has
increased probably due to complete wetting of pore surface which
suggests that pore blocking effect or an effective barrier against
water migration into the bulk was not formed by OC at higher
w/s ratios.
However, since volume of permeable voids of modified sampleswas lower than the plain cement paste at w/s = 0.27, it can beassumed that incorporation of OC was able to generate an importantmicro structural modification and thus contribute to formationof closed porosity or reduction in the continuity of pores. Onthe other hand, as it is shown in Fig. 4, volume of permeable voidsof modified samples greatly increased at higher w/s ratios that suggestsabout formation of higher volume of capillary pores, what isin agreement with observation made by others [14,15]. Since sorptivityreflects the combined effects of composition, pore structureand wettability [21], it was thought that water absorption hasincreased probably due to complete wetting of pore surface whichsuggests that pore blocking effect or an effective barrier againstwater migration into the bulk was not formed by OC at higherw/s ratios.
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