TELUS management decided that the best solution was to deploy new technology to move from a formal learning environment to one in which team members contributed to and obtained knowledge from colleagues. The company implemented Microsoft sharepoint server 2010 as a company-wide platform for collaboration knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer and it took advantage of the softweres new social tools to facilitate employee collaboration and engagement. TELUS now relies on its internal enterprise social network for much of employee learning and problem-solving and sharepoint integrates all of the ways employee learn and share knowledge –formal training classes poscasts blogs wikis videos and corporate social networking. The company more effectively shares institutional knowledge and has reduced its costs
New technology alone would not have solved TELUS problem to take the solution effective
TELUS had to change its organizational culture and business processes for knowledge dissemination and employee learning
Here are some questions to think about how are collaboration and employee lerning keeping TELUS competitive what are the benefits of each of the collaboration and social tools discussed in this case.