Housing development in Malaysia is spreading from the capital city to other parts of the
state. The pace of development is very high and always ahead of development plans. As a
matter of fact the government development program is tending towards achieving
developed nation status in 2020. Consequent upon this, everyone of her citizens is
expected to be housed in a modern building with all the amenities Malaysia has an
organization and administrative machinery to achieving Vision 2020 such as a disciplined
and dedicated civil service, a dynamic and adventurous private sector and well-trained and
experienced professionals.
They have gone a long way in their housing development plan. The participation of the
private and public sector have made housing for the people realistic.The housing policy of
Malaysia is in line with government agenda “ Adequate shelter for all”. The primary
objective of Malaysia’s housing policy is to ensure that all her citizens, particularly the
low-income groups, have access to adequate and decent shelter. It is the government
resolves to supply houses for the rural population through programs such as funding home
improvement projects. The private sector construction industry has been able to supply
houses at market prices for medium income and high-income groups and Malaysia
believed that housing provision should be a vehicle to achieving viable and sustainable
human units of settlements that not only address the physical need for shelter but also the
national need for social, cultural and ethnic integration.
Demographic improvements have played a prominent role in providing the statistical
inputs for planning and formulation of the government development plans in Malaysia.
The stability in governance becomes a big factor in achieving these Plans, policies and
programs including allocation of resources to various components of the federation; with
the pace of Malaysia’s housing plans and development, Vision 2020 will be realistic.