In this work, biosorption of Brilliant green (BG) and Methylene blue (MB) dyes in binary mixture onto Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied. pH at which the biosorption capacity of biomass is maximum was found to be 6 which is close to the pH of natural aqueous solutions. This is a big advantage of S. cerevisiae which makes it applicable for the technology of dye removal from natural aqueous dye solutions. Note that the time for the applied biosorption process for the dye removal is considerably short (about 5 min) which is a big improvement for the adsorption processes. This proves that the S. cerevisiae is a promising adsorbent. The BG and MB dyes were simultaneously analyzed using the fifth and fourth order derivative spectrophotometric method, respectively. Several isotherm models were applied to experimental data and the isotherm constants were calculated for BG and MB dyes. Among the applied models, Freundlich isotherm model showed best fit to the biosorption equilibrium data.