Microalgal culturing in single and dual-species cultures
Previously described stock solutions were used as inocula for
the different studied cultures. Single cultures, as well as cocultures
containing S. salina (S. salina + C. vulgaris – SC, S. salina
+ P. subcapitata – SP and S. salina + M. aeruginosa – SM), were studied.
Batch experiments were performed in 500-mL flasks (VWR,
Portugal) with a working volume of 400 mL. Cells were cultivated
for seven days with an initial concentration of approximately
1.0 106 cells mL1 (in co-cultures, initial cell concentration was
approximately 2.0 106 cells mL1
). Temperature, light and aeration
conditions were the same as for stock solutions preparation.
Two independent experiments were performed in duplicates under
aseptic conditions.