A great start!
Congratulations, you have uploaded your first photos on Clashot.
You have a great chance to earn money with your photos now that you’ve started uploading. Already, Clashot experts are able to see your first photo report, and reward it with "monetary likes".
After the moderation process, your photos will be available for sale on Clashot. Taking interesting and high-quality photos, and uploading only your own shots, gives you the best chance they’ll pass through the moderation process without any problems.
Remember, not all photos uploaded to Clashot will be accepted for sale. If you want your photos to pass through the process successfully, you have to meet several simple and clear requirements. Here are some of them:
Your photos are more likely to be sold if they appeal to a wide range of customers.
We’re more interested in images of interesting subject matter, art photography, beautiful still images and other great photos, and high-quality photos from the events.
We do not accept for sale photos of low resolution (fewer than 1000 pixels on its shorter side), screenshots, or photos that include an author’s watermark, notations, or any other information applied over the image with a graphic editor.