It is the result of Master's guidance."
Liza tries to raise my stock with a serious face.
Nana, and even Lulu, please stop nodding to it. Look, Pochi and Tama even imitate you.
Liza seems to seriously think so, but I've only been doing the power-leveling, and the [Cherish your life] policy.
She's become strong with her own effort, and the intensive training of the elf masters.
"In honor of you who has trained that far at such age, I will bestow you with this technique. The legendary technique that has been kept even more closely guarded than the secret technique Magic Edge."
Julberg-shi sets his spear on his waist and collect his magic power on the spear's tip.
Is it different than Magic Edge Cannon?
It looks like Magic Edge Cannon judging from the way the magic power is collecting.
Liza also sets up her spear and concentrate on Julberg-shi's movement, trying to steal the technique.
"Oh, huge magic power is collecting on Sir Julberg's spear!"
"It's the technique that's only used against a powerful enemy!"
The peanut gallery become unrest when they see the spear's Magic Edge swelling.
However, the convergence is loose.
With that state, won't it end up in cone shape instead of bullet?
I feel that it'll only work as a distraction against enemies that have powerful magic guard.
Julberg-shi who has finally finished the preparation shoots the magic power while shouting, "Nuoo".
The bombardment of red magic power that's as big as man's body assaults Liza.
"Wa, don't stand still--"
Arisa and Lulu scream in worry.
Liza's hands finally move when the bombardment shot by Julberg-shi has reached the middle point between the two.
She quickly shoots a small red Magic Edge Cannon that's been formed in an instant.
The cannonballs collide in front of Liza, red flash dyes the entire arena.
The magic wall protecting the arena seems to be resonating with it, the wall is also emitting red light, the inside of the arena can't be seen well.
I saw that the Magic Edge Cannon shot by Liza crushed Julberg-shi's Magic Edge Cannon, and then the leftover hit his body hard.
The white protection magic from the magic armor Julberg-shi is wearing has been annihilated.
--Wait, Liza?
A second Magic Edge Cannon comes flying toward Julberg-shi.
Its power has been reduced to the minimum, but Julberg-shi can't avoid it with his posture.
However, the fact that he's reigning the Shiga Eight Swords' top for a long time doesn't seem to be just a show, he smashes the Magic Edge Cannon with the fist that's not holding the spear while shouting, "Nunn", with fighting spirit.
Of course, the compensation for that is his fist. It has been completely destroyed.
The elder warrior's mental doesn't seem to be broken with just this much.
He pours magic power into the spear with his remaining dominant arm, preparing for the final attack.
Right at that time, the last Magic Edge Cannon that Liza had shot hits the wrist of the arm that's holding the spear.
After Arisa talked about how assault guns could shoot in tri-burst, the beastkin girls ended up using three shots of Magic Edge Cannon to bring down powerful enemies.
It's probably become a habit due to that.
Liza quickly approaches and sweeps Julberg-shi's legs with her tail, he falls down on his back without the mean to fix his posture, and then Liza thrusts her spear toward his throat, stopping before.
The red light on the arena's magic wall finally fades, revealing the ending to the peanut gallery.
"Hey, what's the meaning of this?"
"Why is Julberg-shi who shot the Magic Edge Cannon fallen?"
I can hear such perplexed words escaping from the peanut gallery who are in confusion.
However, that was only until the judge declared Liza's victory.
"The winner is 『Black Spear』 Liza!"
The moment right after that words were declared in the arena, shouts of joy loud enough to shake the Royal Capital reverberate.
I can't grasp what each of them is saying, but one thing is clear, that they are congratulatory words toward Liza.
Liza takes some distance away from Julberg-shi and swings her spear toward me.
It's really like Liza to not let her guard down even after the conclusion.
I also shout congratulation with all my might and wave back with my hand.
Rather than being worried about troublesome things in the aftermath, right now I just want to congratulate her victory.
On this day, Liza became the most famous explorer in the Royal Capital.