Abstract: Tanning industry is one of the oldest industry which is highly complex and is characterized by high BOD,
COD, suspended solids, settleable solids, sulphide, chloride and chromium. Untreated tannery effluents when
discharged directly into the water bodies or into the open lands cause irreversible damage to the environment.
Coagulation–flocculation is one of the most important physicochemical treatment steps employed in industrial
wastewater treatment to reduce the suspended and colloidal materials responsible for turbidity of the wastewater.
During the last decade, more interest has been given on the use of natural coagulants in treating industrial wastewater.
Natural coagulants are, in general, used as point-of-use technology in less-developed communities, since they are
relatively cost-effective compared to chemical coagulants. Also they can be easily processed in usable form and