IX: In some instances after draining the accumulated fluid and closing the spigot, the W-IS-10 or A-IS-219 message continues to be displayed. This typically occurs when the float becomes stuck and fails to drop back down after the fluid is drained. If this occurs, perform the following:
1. Remove the service-end endcap enclosure for full access to the service station.
2. Tap repeatedly on the bottom of the service station basin with the handle-end of a screwdriver or similar tool. This action may free the float from the stuck position and allow it to drop, thereby closing the switch and causing the W-IS-10 or A-IS-219 message to clear.
3. Reinstall the endcap enclosure and resume normal operation of the printer.
Figure 1 shows a cutaway view of the service station tray to provide the approximate location of the float sensor.