However, introducing a new domain related to two conceptually different topics,spirituality and religion may generate confusion in its interpretation. Therefore, It isimportant to disentangle religion from spirituality. Spirituality is usually associated withthe ultimate goal in life, one dimension that gives meaning to existence. Religiosity, on theother hand, has a strong institutionalized definition since it has to deal with a particularauthority from the church, it is more community focused, it may provide a mechanism forgaining social support, whereas spirituality has a more experiential focus by the individual.Spirituality, on the other hand signifies the inner attitude of living life directly related bythe quest of one’s inner truth. Religiosity refers to set of beliefs about the institution suchas the church where the particular faith is practiced. This may lead an individual to think that he is satisfied with his religion but not with his spirituality, which is conceptuallydifferent from religion. A person may be highly satisfied with his spirituality but not withhis religion as well as the opposite. Seeing spirituality as inner resources differently thaninstitutional religiosity, as belonging to a particular faith or church, will provide anacceptable for scientific study of this dimension in future research