Outplacement refers to "a benefit provided by an employer to help an employee terminate and get a job someplace else."'' Outplacement is a way of terminating employees that at ca benefit both the employees and the organization. The organization gains by terminating the employees before they become deadwood; employees gain by finding new jobs and at the same time preserving their dignity. In addition, an outplacement program can have a very positive effect on employee morale.
Skill assessment, establishment of new career objectives, resume preparation, interview training, and generation of job interviews are services generally offered through an outplacement program. Other services might include training for those who notify terminated employees, office support, spouse involvement, and individual psychological counseling.
Most company outplacement programs involve the use of outplacement consultants or an outplacement firm. The normal procedure is for the outplacement consultant to be briefed by the manager before the employee is terminated. During this session, the out-placement consultant should obtain a clear understanding from the company of the termination was necessary. After the manager notifies the employee of his or her termination, the outplacement consultant pros ides immediate -support to the employee. The growth of outsourcing, which was discussed in Chapters 1 and 5, has increased the need for outplacement services.