what are genetically modified foods?
genetically modified foods were first put on the market in the 1990s typically tonight be modified foods were transgenic plants. i product such as soybean, corn,canola . cut seed oil are GM crop can be produced to be test resist.
pesticide,herbicide,draught resistant, pest. they are given a genetic ability to produce BT. a toxin found in soil bacterium that retell certain in six
.this mean farmers can spray to kill weeds without affecting crops. GM variety a has protect an herbicide tolerance crops have a resulted in reduction in chemical use boosted yeild and safe growers ten of million of dollars the future for GM crop is full potential. cold tolerance in draught resistant crop could ensure seasonal harvest additional vitamins and mineral could boost nutrition values. GM crop could improve economic health social benefit for populations dependent and agri culture developing countries one concern with the production GM crops is a risk allergic reaction associated with the transfer genes for protein form one food is incorporated into another dangerous reactions could result in people with allergies, another concern with the use of GM crop is the possible transfer antibiotic resistant GM crop are creates using market genes foe resistance to certain antibiotic in the development of the crop these gene taken for antibiotic resistance to human and the consumtion. GM boost could change the makeup human digestive system and increase the risk of infections which are resistant to antibiotic merging law or gene escaped gene from GM crop can pass on to other members at the same species or other species the favorable genetic alternation are selected for future generation and the GM over i do not eventually come to make up a greater proportion of the total population up the given species. the increased use of GM crops could also hasten the pollution test resistant defenses conferred by the implant genes the result be continual increasing proportionate the species population showing less and susceptibility in the to the beneficial protection of genetic modification also herbicide resistant gene could transfer form the crop to the weed creating herbicide resistant super weed to prevent such resistant the EPA requires farmers to plant twenty percent field non-gm crops to serve as a refuge