My Dear,
I am so happy with your respond and promise you my best care and love as long as we live. My prayer is that the almighty lord will give us a long life to enjoy every of our day together as husband and wife.I have told our daughters about our marriage plans and everything that concern you and our daughters are very happy to welcome you in our family as their beloved step mother.Please honey, I sincere have deep love and feelings to you. it may sound very crazy but it is just the truth. So I need your commitment and trust, honesty and love, care and understanding because you know that I am a very busy man with my job.Please I would have loved to be hearing your voice on phone but as you know, I am here and we are in the military camp and we are not allowed to use any phone and we don't make or receive phone calls except government official radio message but as a senior officer I have my mobile phones here with me and they are on international Security Number but you can only call me in the mid night. Here is my security number and you can call me anytime ok: +35722232097